Google Play Store Now Supports Multiple App Installations And Updates Simultaneously

Previously, it could only do one at a time, but now it can do up to three.

Purchasing a new Android phone and having to redownload or update all your apps through the Google Play Store can be quite cumbersome, especially when you have numerous apps, as it requires updating them one by one.

However, Google has significantly improved this process by releasing a new feature on the Play Store.

According to The Verge, they found out that users can now download or update up to three apps at the same time.

(credit: Richard Lawler / The Verge)

Although Google has not announced a launch timeline or indicated that the feature has arrived on any specific devices, the restrictions on simultaneous downloads and installations are likely server-side.

To determine if the feature is available, you may need to attempt manual updates of all your apps.If your phone can’t do it, the only thing you can do is wait for the feature to arrive.

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